2024 Casa del Lago UNAM, Mexico City, Fatalismo Magico, objects installation with sound. In "Dibujame un mapa de lo que no veras", group exhibition curated by Monica Ramirez and Adriana Melchor. Fundacion JUMEX Arte Contemporaneo. This project was developed with Mariana Castillo Deball.

Chongquin International Modern and Contemporary Art, Exhibition 2023-24, Chongquin, China, Post-covid series, group exhibition, Partner: Pashmin Art Managment.



2023 "Mateo" Ca. 13:45", Spinet, Soprano and other objects and actions. A duo based on a story for kids I wrote about a blind kid who gets lost in the forest and is assisted by an unconscious, non-sentient entity that communicates whit him through blowing. Comission: Klangplatz.

Berlin: Musikinstrumenten Museum, Exploratorium, Die Gelbe Villa. Kassel: Dock 4, Jugendkulturkirche. Marburg: Musikschule.



Urbanraum, Berlin, Germany, City of inventories, Duo performance with a blind Box, Independent. With choreographer and dancer Karina Suarez Bosche. An induced acoustic stress is later released, to enhance blindfolded perceptual capacity and submission. 

2021 Auditorio de Junta de Galicia en Campolongo, Pontevedra, Spain, Nubes y nomadas, Ensemble performance and video. Commission: Ensemble Vertixe Sonora, Vertixe 9 Festival.


Online, Mexico-Switzerland-Berlin, Hearing in Bed, for Ensemble and TikTok videos. Commission: Liminar and Contrechamps ensembles. With the support of Foro Internacional de Musica Nueva Manuel Enriquez and Pro Helvetia foundation.


2021 Mexican Embassy in Germany, Berlin, Last Couple Fight, sculpture with sound, in "Mexikanischer Ubersee Salon / Salon Mexicano de Ultramar", group exhibition, curator: Luisa Reyes Retana.

2020 A solitary bike-journey in times of COVID-19, Independent, Ca. 33 min., 16:9, Color, Stereo, MPEG4.
2020 Universidad para el Bienestar, Benito Juarez Garcia, Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca, Mexico: Sound-cartography: Listening, walking and mapping, workshop and performance with students.

2020 Mexican embassy in Germany, Berlin, Blind Box, interactive sound sculpture, in "Zu-Fall". Group exhibition. Curator: Vanessa Enriquez. A blind-folded tactile experience becomes a sonic creation.

2019 St. Marie Liebefrauen Kirche,  Berlin, Germany, Kammlagen, for spectral organ, church organ and soprano. Concert with texts by Carlos Castaneda, with support of Inititive Neue Musik Berlin. Organ builder: Guido Hennebohl.
2019 Ackerstsadt Palace, Berlin, Germany,  Biberdamm-Assut, for animation film, percussion, violin, cello and modified PET bottles. in "Up to three 2019 concert series". Commission: Ensemble Mosaik. 

2018 Tauben Platz, Wrangelkiez, Berlin, Germany, Klavierstrasse, whole summer interactive open-air sound-sculpture. Commission: Kiezanker 36 and Berliner klavier.

Neither Klavierstrasse nor Taubenplatz exists in Berlin. This corner is a utopian place where anything and everything can happen. It is a place where the sole presence of a piano is able to transform the street into the private space or to bring together a homeless person who plays the piano and a child who loves music. Klavierstrasse is an installation, a sculpture, a mirror, a corner of time.


WHO IS MAIKOL JASHKON? Gabriel Grestel (known in his our Barrio as 'Maikol Jasckon') became the Lingua Franca, the Locus Classicus of Klavierstrasse. Gabriel always showed a great deal of respect for the piano, whenever he played it, donated a coin. He always wanted to help and never disrespected anyone. We know that Maikol was a nuisance to many. Well, we made this video to temper this Nuisance. His aesthetics, like a good Romanian, arouses unleashed passions (Thanks to Daniela Berenika for asking the questions to Maikol)


2018 Americas Society, New York, USA, The six lost songs: six "soundtracks" of Nancarrow's dreams when he was 6 years old, for Double Bass, Ondes Martenot and Percussion, Commission: Americas Society.

2018 Open Air, San Lorenzo, Milpa Alta, Mexico City, Fatalismo Magico, Opera Sobre el Deseo y la Nostalgia en Cuatro Actos, (Magic Fatalism, opera on nostalgia and desire in three acts), Street Performance with people of Milpa Alta, Performance and 80+20 vinyls edition and several exhibitions. Curator: Jessica Berlanga. With Mariana Castillo Deball. Commission: Alumnos 47 Foundation.

2018 Kesselhaus, kulturbrauerei, Berlin, Germany, Die Trennen der Dinge, video, 16:9, color, stereo. Featuring Niklas Seidl, Daniela Garduno, Ernst Surberg and Tanja Watoro. Autonome Musik 4, "Schaltungen". Commission: Ensemble Mosaik and SNCA.
2018   Museum of the Seam, Jerusalem, Middle East, Hidden 2, video installation, in Rise boys and girls the same way, catalogue for the exhibition The Women Behind, Photo Series.




2017 Smallroom, Berlin, Germany. Qu Trompa, For Trumpet, Water, saliva and tape. Ship version.

Commission by: Callum G. Froerer

2017 Bethanien, Berlin, Germany, On Nancarrows's Legacy, digital prints and cylindrical stamps, in: Constellations of the Audio Machine in Mexico - group exhibition. With Mariana Castillo Deball.
2017 HAU 2, Berlin, Germany, The Mexican National Anthem as I recall it from my childhood, for ensemble, 2-channel video, Soprano Obbligato, Flag conductor and Tape. Festival CTM Commission: Carlos Prieto, for the Constellations of the Audio Machine in Mexico, group exhibition, with funds from SNCA, Mexico.
2016 Akademie der Kunste, Berlin, Germany, Teleprompter 2, for 6 solo performers and their own video, commission: ARD-Das neue Werk and Ensemble Mosaik.

Grazer Kunstverein (producer), Graz Austria, Perchtenlauf, Ca. 14 min, 4:3, Color, Stereo, MPEG4. In German / no subtitles. This film is associated with the piece Viertel Nach Schatten.
2016 Schwaz, Austria, Antilegos, 3 live and video solos, A mix of concert and sound installation.. Klangspuren Schwaz under the  Tiroler Festival fur Neue Musik, Commission: Ensemble Mosaik, Siemens Stifftung.

Grazer Kunstverein, Oragerie, Graz, Austria, Viertel Nach Schatten, open-air composition, performance and exhibition, based on the traditional Austrian Perchtenlauf. Commission: Grazer Kunstverein. With Mariana Castillo Deball.

2016 Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, Austria, Viertel Nach Schatten, Group portfolio, 10x Edition. Commission: Grazer Kustverein. With Mariana Castillo Deball.

Kunsthaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany, Se fueron los Pajaros, a visual landscape for deaf people. Independent production. In "Constelations of the audio machine in Mexico", discussion panel. Curated by Carlos Prieto.




Resonanzraum, Hamburg , Germany, Teleprompter 1, for 6 solo performers and their own video, commission: ARD-Das neue Werk and Ensemble Mosaik.


Strawinsky Saal, Donaueschingen Germany, Antilegos one, two and three: 3 short chamber pieces and video:

Antilegos 1: Keyboard and 2-channel video

Antilegos 2: Violin oboe and 2 channel video

Antilegos 3: Clarinet, Viola and 2 channel video


Festival Donaueschinger Musiktage. Commission: Ensemble Mosaik and Siemens Stifftung.


2015 Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, GfZK, Leipzig, Germany, One minute for John Cage, in 125 Party Pieces, original score, group exhibition, and edition. Forum Zeitgenoschisher Musik, Leipzig. 


Magazine Ixiptla, Spring 2015, Vol 3, ISBN 978-3-94-3514-35-3, Berlin, Germany, Antilego, photo series, p.p 80.

Dissociated pre-Hispanic pieces are brought together to form an arbitrary entity. Also in:


Magazine Ixiptla, Spring 2014, Vol 1, ISBN 978-3-94-3514-25-4, Berlin, Germany.

2014 Magazine Sur, Spring 2014, Vol 1, ISBN 978-3-94-3514-26-1, Mexico City, On Nancarrows Legacy, photocopy and rolling stamp, print series, p.p. 33-42. With Mariana Castillo Deball.
2013 Miller Theatre, New York, USA, 125 Party Pieces for John Cage, 125 scores concert. Commission: Forum zeitgenössischer Musik, Leipzig
2013 ZKM, Karlsruhue, Germany, Maquina Latina, piano and video performance, PIANO+ 2013 Festival, Konzert I. Commission: Ernst Surberg.
2013 Open-Air, Kottbusser Tor, Berlin, Germany, Parasite Sound Intervention: 6-music spots, simultaneous performance and video recording around a fix-route wandering camera. Independent production.
2013 Open-Air, Kottbusser Tor, Berlin, Germany, Parasite Dance Intervention: 6-danc-spots, simultaneous performance and video recording around a fix-route wandering camera. Independent production.

Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden, Germany, FILM,   Ursula: the art of Dying, permanent screening and lecture for Young people about the art of dying. Featuring Ursula Kleinhenz. 16:9, Color, Stereo, Ca 15 Min. In German, no subtitles. Commission: Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden

2012 Lab for Electronics Arts and Performance, LEAP, Berlin, Germany, Lips revisited, for voice and live electronics. Body controlled number 5-Gestures.

Museum of the Seam, Jerusalem, Middle East, Hidden 2, Featuring Charlotte Grude, Berlin, 16:9, Color, Stereo Ca. 5 min.
2010 Mexico City, Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporaneo MUAC UNAM, Performance, video and living chicken, Traslapes sonoros y otras averiguaciones previas. With Generacion Espontanea Ensemble. 
2010 Mexico City, Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporaneo MUAC UNAM, in Traslapes sonoros y otras averiguaciones previas. "Tinga under a surveillance camera" Ca. 3 min. 4:3, Color, mute

Mexico City, Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporaneo MUAC UNAM, "Tinga inside out", in Traslapes sonoros y otras averiguaciones previas. Ca. 3 min. 4:3, Color, mute
2010 Fabrik Potsdam, Potsdam,  Germany, PfMd_01, for piano and tape. Interzonansen 2013
2010 Hamburger Sprechwerk, Hamburg, Germany, El Instrumento, one month residence and performance for dancer and live electronics. in DanceKiosk Festival. Commission: Dance-Kiosk Festival.




2010 2011: Museum in Wasserwerk, Berlin, Germany, Qu trompa, for trumpet, water, saliva and tape, Berliner Gesellschaft fur Neue Musik. Commission: Paul Hubner.

2010: Hauptbahnhof, Oldenburg, Germany, Qu trompa, Performance for trumpet, Water, Saliva and tape. Bahnklang festival (under the umbrella of Festival Sounding D).

With "Qu trompa" (comission Paul Huebner and later Callum G. Froerer for the "ship version") and "Qu Vara" (comission Hilary Jeffery) I wanted explore on a ecological, cyclical, interactive and embodied relationship instrument-performer.

2010 Basilica Menor del Convento de San Fransisco de Asis, Havanna, Cuba, Coro_MD for kids mixed-choir, objects and tape, Festival Primavera en la Habana.


Mexico-Berlin, independent production, Hidden One, Featuring Sofía Torre, 16:9, Color, Ca. 4 Min.
2010 Die Insel, Berlin, Germany, Klangkaskaden-Haikus, sound installation with trees, sensors and water in movement. Commission: EU Soziale Stadt, Berlin City, German Federal Government and Interzone. A The Tilt project.
2009 Laberinto de las Ciencias, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Joysticks, electronics hacking and Impro-performance for kids, Festival de San Luis. Commission: Festival de San Luis. With Oori Shalev. A The Tilt project.
2009 Photo not available Frac Bougogne, Dijon, France, Petenera: Guitar, toy guitar and acting, Festival Printems Why Not. Commission SNCA
2009 BKA Theater, Berlin, Germany, Qu Vara, for Trombon, Water, Saliva and Tape, Commision: Hilary Jeffery, BKA Unerhoerte Musik series.

2009 Aula der Kieler Gelernteschule, Kiel, Germany, Die basta Zeiten sind vorbei, for ensemble, live-electronics and graphic. Commission Ensemble Mosaik
2009 Alte-Post, Berlin Neukolln, Germany, Umgebung, Nano opera for mixed choir, chamber ensemble and live elektronic, Commission: Kulturnetzwerk Neukolln e.V., Festival 25 Stunden Neukolln
2009   Theatre D'Orleans, Orleans, France, PfMd_01, for piano and tape, Orleans Concours Interational. Comission SNCA, Mexico.
2009   Theatre des Buffes du Nord, Paris, France, PfMd_01, for piano and tape, Orleans Concours Interational. Comission SNCA, Mexico. French Premiere.
2008   Kesselhaus, kulturbrauerei, Berlin, Germany, Die Basta Zeiten sind Vorbei, Performance graphic score and ensemble, commission: Ensamble Mosaik, Open Sources series.


2007 lawrence Batley Theater, Huddersfield, England, Mosaicos, Conducting an ensemble with live-electronics and floor-score, Huddersfield contemporary Music Festival, commission: Ensemble Mosaik.
2007 Kleinen Wasserspeicher, Berlin, Germany, The body of Ligia, Live electronics-body performance, commission: Funf + 1 festival.

2007 Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, Berlin, Germany, Die schaukel, A 3:08:06" hour chimera in the form of a music-interaction with trees, sensors and internet, light-installation, music-theater and free improvisation, with Mario Vazquez, Oori Shalev, Jose Garcia and C.S. With the support of INM e.V. Berlin, BalhausNauninstrs. and the Interaktion Festival.


2006 Tesla Kubus, Berlin Germany, Nancarrow in 12 channels, spacialization of studies 21 and 37, commission TU Elektronische Musik Studio, TU University. With Folkmar Hein and several TU-university students.

Study 37, speaker-to-canonic voice distribution

Study 21, speaker-to-canonic voice distribution

2006 Deutsches Technikmuseum, Berlin, Germany, The Birth of a Ship, Ca. 25:00", Ships as living organisms, and percussion instruments. Lange Nacht der Museen, Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur, Production: TU Studio Berlin.

20055 Berlin, Germany, The Tilt Group, founder and artistic director. In collaboration with Iftah Gabbai, Olaf Hingenfeld, Oori Shalev, Bertrand Hansum, and others.

Details here: The Tilt

2006 - Patio central de la Universidad de San Luis, San Luis Potosi City, Mexico, Sotavento by The Tilt, A network of sonic trees, sound installation, Festival de San Luis. Berlin, Germany, Florence, Italy and San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Commission: Festival de San Luis.

2007 - TU Elektronisches Studio, TU University, Berlin, Germany, Biosphere Lab, by the Tilt. An experimental extension of the Technisches Universitat Berlin, Elektronisches Studio.

2007, Ballhaus Naunynstr., Berlin, Germany, To Sing a Forest, realtime interaction-performance with living trees. Interaktion Festival 1.

2007, Ballhaus Naunynstr., Berlin, Germany, Die Schaukel, realtime interaction-performance with living trees. Interaktion Festival 1.

2007-08 - Galerie Hope and Glory, Kornerpark, Berlin, Germany, Baumberauschen, Sound Installation. Comission: Kunst Identitat series through the European Union's Soziale Stadt program.

2009 - Die Insel,Berlin, Germany, Baumberauschen 2, Socially healling an abandoned park with sound art. Comission: Kunst Identitat series through the European Union's Soziale Stadt program.

2004 Hochschule fur Musik und Theater, Hamburg, Germany, Mex.Toys, for percussion, video, dance and electronics, premiere

Goldbeckhaus, Hamburg, Germany,, video, percussion, dance, performance and electronics, Festival Eigenarten.

2004   Capilla Helenico, Mexico City, Mexico, Ludika, Performance for percussionist. The electronic hammer.


2004 BKA Theater, Berlin, Germany, Qu Vara, performative piece for Trombone, water, saliva and tape. Unerhoerte Musik. Commission: Hilary Jeffery.

2004   Auditorio Blas Galindo, CNA, Mexico City, 8to, for ensemble, Camerata de las Americas.
2003 Museo Universitario de Arte contemporaneo, UNAM, Film, Dona Soco, her mother and the chicken, 2003, 4:3, Color, Ca 16 min. 
2003   Auditorio Blas Galindo, CNA, Mexico City, 8to, for ensemble, Camerata de las Americas. FIMME 03
2003 Hochschule fur Musik und Theater, Hamburg, Germany, Mextoys-Interlude 2, 4:3, Color, Stereo, Ca 5min. Adult content.
2003 Hochschule fur Musik und Theater, Hamburg, Germany, Mextoys-Interlude 1, 4:3, Color, Stereo, Ca 5min. Adult content.
2003 Sala Ponce, Cuernavaca, Mexico, PfMd01, for piano, Marion Vidal.

Museo Nacional de Arte, Mexico City, PfMd_01, for piano, Premiere, Marion Vidal.

2003   Stanley Picker Gallery, Kingston University, School of music, Kingston, UK, Coro MD, performative piece for mixed choir and tape, eCOOter ensamble,
2003   Centro Cultural los Lagos, Veracruz, Mexico, 69 video installation, sound collaboration with D. Veras. Festival Flama 01.
2002 ZeltTheater Festival, Schanzenpark, Hamburg, Germany, Tafel Tanz, sound collaboration with Y. Gutierrez. Festival Eigenarten 2002.
2002 Goldbeckhaus, Hamburg, Germany, Quick Instant Soup, sound collaboration with Y. Gutierrez. Festival Eigenarten 2002.
2002 Cuernavaca, Mexico, La Pasión Según la Gente, Creative non fiction, Color, 4:3, 18min.


2001 La Jornada Morelos, El Sí en Pies, Cuernavaca, Mexico, Poem and Photo, co-editor and author.
2001 Cuernavaca, Mexico, CD, La Pasión Según la Gente, Creative non fiction, Mexico, Color, 4:3, Color, 18min. Quindecim Recordings, Sirena, PACMYC, FOECA.
2000 Museo de la Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico City, La Pasión Según la Gente, for Brass band, Percussion, Clarinet and tape, Creative non fiction, Mexico, Color, 4:3, Color, 18min. PACMYC, FOECA. Concert curated by Conrado Tostado.


STEIM foundation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Gloves with sensors: the construction of a non-midi hand-based  electro-instrumental tool. Sandoval describes how, after completing the construction of a solenoid-based MIDI piano, they turned their attention to designing and building sensor gloves with the assistance of the STEIM foundation. The author explains that their intention was different from that of Michael Waisvisz, founder of STEIM, who had developed a MIDI controller called The Hands in 1984. Instead of using the MIDI protocol, which the author found unsuitable, they opted for sensor technology which had become more affordable. After several residencies at STEIM and multiple stages of development, the author was able to finalize the gloves. The gloves were discontinued in 2010. Sandoval further expanded on this technology by incorporating 3D accelerometers into their own live-tree sound-installations.


Further construction residencies: 1999 and 2005


Project submission photo


Gloves construction at the STEIM foundation


The legendary SensorLab at its best...


Trying the gloves at the STEIM Foundation...

1995 Cuernavaca City, Mexico, MIDI piano. In collaboration with Trimpin (Rem-Demi Productions) and Miguel Zenker (ENM UNAM).

I installed a rack of adjustable solenoids to an old, adapted  upright piano. The power supply was designed and constructed by Trimpin. He helped me with the final assembly and adjustments. This was the first solenoid-powered, MIDI-controlled acoustic piano made in Mexico. The instrument was disassembled when I moved to Germany, 2003. Photos by Lazaro Sandoval.

1994   Donaueschingen, Germany, Fast Piece for player Piano, Piece for automata, Festival Donaueschinger Musiktage



Conlon Nancarrow's studio, Mexico City, Assistant to Conlon Nancarrow. More information: here

1985   Foro Cultural Efrén Rebolledo, Pachuca, Mexico, Unicornio, group photo-exhibition,
1984   Municipality Library, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 5 Proposiciones Visuales, Group photo-exhibition, Coordinación Cultural del Estado de Morelos, biblioteca municipal.
1983   Análisis, N.Y., USA,  (political magazine), political illustration
1983   El encuentro inesperado, Los Angeles, USA. Photonovela on the sexual violence in Los Angeles), photography.
1983   Literaricum (literature magazine), Vienna, Austria, Nr. 1:82, photography
1983   El Día / Newspaper , México City, Literature and poetry illustration, cultural section.
1982:     Internationalen Studenten-Club, Vienna, Austria, Zeichnungen und Aquarelle, solo exhibition.
1982 Modena Art Gallerie, Vienna, Austria, 14 Zeichnungen, 6 aquarelle, 5 photomontagen, 15 photos, solo exhibition.



Colibrí Magazine, Mexico City, illustrator.


La Garrapata, México City, political magazine, cartonist.